MATH06, Unconstrained multivariate optimization

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Gradient and Hessian

$$the\ objective\ function\ :\ f(x_{1},x_{2}) = (x_{1} + 10)^{2} + 5(x_{2} - 9)^{2} - 2x_{1}x_{2}$$
import sympy

x1, x2 = sympy.symbols("x_1, x_2") 
f_sym = (x1+10)**2 + 5 * (x2-9)**2 - 2*x1*x2 

# Gradient
fprime_sym = [f_sym.diff(x_) for x_ in (x1, x2)]
Gradient = sympy.Matrix(fprime_sym)

# Hessian  
fhess_sym = [[f_sym.diff(x1_, x2_) for x1_ in (x1, x2)] for x2_ in (x1, x2)] 
Hessian = sympy.Matrix(fhess_sym)

print(Gradient, '\n', Hessian)

OUTPUT : \(\left[\begin{matrix}2 x_{1} - 2 x_{2} + 20\\- 2 x_{1} + 10 x_{2} - 90\end{matrix}\right], \left[\begin{matrix}2 & -2\\-2 & 10\end{matrix}\right]\)

Optimization process

The Newton-CG method with Gradient&Hessian

If both the gradient and the Hessian are known, then Newton’s method is the method with the fastest convergence in general.
$$the\ objective\ function\ :\ f(x_{1},x_{2}) = (x_{1} - 1)^{4} + 5(x_{2} - 1)^{2} - 2x_{1}x_{2}$$
from scipy import optimize
import sympy

x1, x2 = sympy.symbols("x_1, x_2") 

# Object function
f_sym = (x1-1)**4 + 5 * (x2-1)**2 - 2*x1*x2 
# Gradient
fprime_sym = [f_sym.diff(x_) for x_ in (x1, x2)]
# Hessian  
fhess_sym = [[f_sym.diff(x1_, x2_) for x1_ in (x1, x2)] for x2_ in (x1, x2)] 

# Convert sympy function to numpy function
f_lmbda = sympy.lambdify((x1, x2), f_sym, 'numpy') 
fprime_lmbda = sympy.lambdify((x1, x2), fprime_sym, 'numpy')
fhess_lmbda = sympy.lambdify((x1, x2), fhess_sym, 'numpy')

# Unpacking for multivariate function
def func_XY_to_X_Y(f):    
    '''Wrapper for f(X) -> f(X[0], X[1])'''
    return lambda X: np.array(f(X[0], X[1])) 
f = func_XY_to_X_Y(f_lmbda) 
fprime = func_XY_to_X_Y(fprime_lmbda) 
fhess = func_XY_to_X_Y(fhess_lmbda)

# Optimization
optimize.fmin_ncg(f, (0, 0), fprime=fprime, fhess=fhess)
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: -3.867223
         Iterations: 8
         Function evaluations: 10
         Gradient evaluations: 17
         Hessian evaluations: 8
array([1.88292613, 1.37658523])

\(Optimal\ point\ :\ (x_{1},x_{2})=(1.88292613,1.37658523)\)




OUTPUT : \(\left[\begin{matrix}- 2 x_{2} + 4 \left(x_{1} - 1\right)^{3}\\- 2 x_{1} + 10 x_{2} - 10\end{matrix}\right]\)


OUTPUT : \(\left[\begin{matrix}12 \left(x_{1} - 1\right)^{2} & -2\\-2 & 10\end{matrix}\right]\)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x_opt = optimize.fmin_ncg(f, (0, 0), fprime=fprime, fhess=fhess)  
x_ = y_ = np.linspace(-1, 4, 100)  
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_, y_)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) 
c = ax.contour(X, Y, f_lmbda(X, Y), 100)   
plt.colorbar(c, ax=ax)

ax.plot(x_opt[0], x_opt[1], 'r*', markersize=15)   
ax.set_xlabel(r"$x_1$", fontsize=18)   
ax.set_ylabel(r"$x_2$", fontsize=18)    

다운로드 (8)

The BFGS algorithm with Gradient

Although the BFGS and the conjugate gradient methods theoretically have slower convergence than Newton’s method, they can sometimes offer improved stability and can therefore be preferable.
$$the\ objective\ function\ :\ f(x_{1},x_{2}) = (x_{1} - 1)^{4} + 5(x_{2} - 1)^{2} - 2x_{1}x_{2}$$
from scipy import optimize
import sympy
import numpy as np

x1, x2 = sympy.symbols("x_1, x_2") 

# Object function
f_sym = (x1-1)**4 + 5 * (x2-1)**2 - 2*x1*x2 
# Gradient
fprime_sym = [f_sym.diff(x_) for x_ in (x1, x2)]

# Convert sympy function to numpy function
f_lmbda = sympy.lambdify((x1, x2), f_sym, 'numpy') 
fprime_lmbda = sympy.lambdify((x1, x2), fprime_sym, 'numpy')

# Unpacking for multivariate function
def func_XY_to_X_Y(f):    
    '''Wrapper for f(X) -> f(X[0], X[1])'''
    return lambda X: np.array(f(X[0], X[1])) 
f = func_XY_to_X_Y(f_lmbda) 
fprime = func_XY_to_X_Y(fprime_lmbda) 

# Optimization
optimize.fmin_bfgs(f, (0, 0), fprime=fprime)
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: -3.867223
         Iterations: 9
         Function evaluations: 13
         Gradient evaluations: 13
array([1.88292645, 1.37658596])

\(Optimal\ point\ :\ (x_{1},x_{2})=(1.88292645,1.37658596)\)




OUTPUT : \(\left[\begin{matrix}- 2 x_{2} + 4 \left(x_{1} - 1\right)^{3}\\- 2 x_{1} + 10 x_{2} - 10\end{matrix}\right]\)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x_opt = optimize.fmin_bfgs(f, (0, 0), fprime=fprime)
x_ = y_ = np.linspace(-1, 4, 100)  
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_, y_)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) 
c = ax.contour(X, Y, f_lmbda(X, Y), 100)   
plt.colorbar(c, ax=ax)

ax.plot(x_opt[0], x_opt[1], 'r*', markersize=15)   
ax.set_xlabel(r"$x_1$", fontsize=18)   
ax.set_ylabel(r"$x_2$", fontsize=18)    

다운로드 (9)

A nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm with Gradient

Although the BFGS and the conjugate gradient methods theoretically have slower convergence than Newton’s method, they can sometimes offer improved stability and can therefore be preferable.
$$the\ objective\ function\ :\ f(x_{1},x_{2}) = (x_{1} - 1)^{4} + 5(x_{2} - 1)^{2} - 2x_{1}x_{2}$$
from scipy import optimize
import sympy
import numpy as np

x1, x2 = sympy.symbols("x_1, x_2") 

# Object function
f_sym = (x1-1)**4 + 5 * (x2-1)**2 - 2*x1*x2 
# Gradient
fprime_sym = [f_sym.diff(x_) for x_ in (x1, x2)]

# Convert sympy function to numpy function
f_lmbda = sympy.lambdify((x1, x2), f_sym, 'numpy') 
fprime_lmbda = sympy.lambdify((x1, x2), fprime_sym, 'numpy')

# Unpacking for multivariate function
def func_XY_to_X_Y(f):    
    '''Wrapper for f(X) -> f(X[0], X[1])'''
    return lambda X: np.array(f(X[0], X[1])) 
f = func_XY_to_X_Y(f_lmbda) 
fprime = func_XY_to_X_Y(fprime_lmbda) 

# Optimization
optimize.fmin_cg(f, (0, 0), fprime=fprime)
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: -3.867223
         Iterations: 8
         Function evaluations: 18
         Gradient evaluations: 18
array([1.88292612, 1.37658523])

\(Optimal\ point\ :\ (x_{1},x_{2})=(1.88292612,1.37658523)\)




OUTPUT : \(\left[\begin{matrix}- 2 x_{2} + 4 \left(x_{1} - 1\right)^{3}\\- 2 x_{1} + 10 x_{2} - 10\end{matrix}\right]\)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x_opt = optimize.fmin_cg(f, (0, 0), fprime=fprime)
x_ = y_ = np.linspace(-1, 4, 100)  
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_, y_)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) 
c = ax.contour(X, Y, f_lmbda(X, Y), 100)   
plt.colorbar(c, ax=ax)

ax.plot(x_opt[0], x_opt[1], 'r*', markersize=15)   
ax.set_xlabel(r"$x_1$", fontsize=18)   
ax.set_ylabel(r"$x_2$", fontsize=18)    

다운로드 (10)

the BFGS algorithm without Gradient&Hessian

In general, the BFGS method is often a good first approach to try, in particular if neither the gradient nor the Hessian is known. If only the gradient is known, then the BFGS method is still the generally recommended method to use, although the conjugate gradient method is often a competitive alternative to the BFGS method.
$$the\ objective\ function\ :\ f(x_{1},x_{2}) = (x_{1} - 1)^{4} + 5(x_{2} - 1)^{2} - 2x_{1}x_{2}$$
from scipy import optimize
import sympy
import numpy as np

x1, x2 = sympy.symbols("x_1, x_2") 

# Object function
f_sym = (x1-1)**4 + 5 * (x2-1)**2 - 2*x1*x2 

# Convert sympy function to numpy function
f_lmbda = sympy.lambdify((x1, x2), f_sym, 'numpy') 

# Unpacking for multivariate function
def func_XY_to_X_Y(f):    
    '''Wrapper for f(X) -> f(X[0], X[1])'''
    return lambda X: np.array(f(X[0], X[1])) 
f = func_XY_to_X_Y(f_lmbda) 

# Optimization
optimize.fmin_bfgs(f, (0, 0))
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: -3.867223
         Iterations: 9
         Function evaluations: 52
         Gradient evaluations: 13
array([1.88292645, 1.37658596])

\(Optimal\ point\ :\ (x_{1},x_{2})=(1.88292645,1.37658596)\)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x_opt = optimize.fmin_bfgs(f, (0, 0))
x_ = y_ = np.linspace(-1, 4, 100)  
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_, y_)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) 
c = ax.contour(X, Y, f_lmbda(X, Y), 100)   
plt.colorbar(c, ax=ax)

ax.plot(x_opt[0], x_opt[1], 'r*', markersize=15)   
ax.set_xlabel(r"$x_1$", fontsize=18)   
ax.set_ylabel(r"$x_2$", fontsize=18)    

다운로드 (11)

Suitable starting point for optimization

$$the\ objective\ function\ :\ f(x,y) = 4sin(x \pi) + 6sin(y \pi) + (x-1)^{2} + (y-1)^{2}$$
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize 

# the objective function
def f(X): 
    x, y = X   
    return (4 * np.sin(np.pi * x) + 6 * np.sin(np.pi * y)) +  (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2

# find starting point
optimize.brute(f, (slice(-3, 5, 0.5),  slice(-3, 5, 0.5)), finish=None) 

OUTPUT : \(Suitable\ starting\ point\ :\ (x,y) = (1.5,1.5)\)

Optimization process from suitable starting point

$$the\ objective\ function\ :\ f(x,y) = 4sin(x \pi) + 6sin(y \pi) + (x-1)^{2} + (y-1)^{2}$$
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

# the objective function
def f(X):
    x, y = X
    return (4 * np.sin(np.pi * x) + 6 * np.sin(np.pi * y)) +  (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2
# find starting point
x_start = optimize.brute(f, (slice(-3, 5, 0.5),  slice(-3, 5, 0.5)), finish=None)

# optimization
optimize.fmin_bfgs(f, x_start)
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: -9.520229
         Iterations: 4
         Function evaluations: 28
         Gradient evaluations: 7
array([1.47586906, 1.48365787])

\(Optimal\ point\ :\ (x,y) = (1.47586906,1.48365787)\)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x_opt = optimize.fmin_bfgs(f, x_start)

def func_X_Y_to_XY(f, X, Y):   
    Wrapper for f(X, Y) -> f([X, Y])   
    s = np.shape(X)    
    return f(np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()])).reshape(*s)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))  
x_ = y_ = np.linspace(-3, 5, 100)  
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_, y_)   
c = ax.contour(X, Y, func_X_Y_to_XY(f, X, Y), 25)  
plt.colorbar(c, ax=ax)
ax.plot(x_opt[0], x_opt[1], 'r*', markersize=15)   
ax.set_xlabel(r"$x_1$", fontsize=18)  
ax.set_ylabel(r"$x_2$", fontsize=18)  

다운로드 (12)

Optimization code in general as the following code makes it easier to switch between different solvers

$$the\ objective\ function\ :\ f(x,y) = 4sin(x \pi) + 6sin(y \pi) + (x-1)^{2} + (y-1)^{2}$$
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

# the objective function
def f(X):
    x, y = X
    return (4 * np.sin(np.pi * x) + 6 * np.sin(np.pi * y)) +  (x - 1)**2 + (y - 1)**2

# find starting point
x_start = optimize.brute(f, (slice(-3, 5, 0.5),  slice(-3, 5, 0.5)), finish=None)

# optimization
result = optimize.minimize(f, x_start, method= 'BFGS')  # can be easily change 'method'

OUTPUT : \(Optimal\ point\ :\ (x,y) = (1.47586906,1.48365787)\)

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