PHY03, Heat flow via time stepping
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List of posts to read before reading this article
- Heat Flow via Time-Stepping (Leapfrog)
- The Parabolic Heat Equation (Theory)
- Assessment and Visualization
- Improved Heat Flow: Crank–Nicolson Method
Heat Flow via Time-Stepping (Leapfrog)
some text and here is possible to download the file in PDF
The Parabolic Heat Equation (Theory)
Main code
# : solves heat equation via finite differences , 3D plot
from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pylab as p
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
Nx = 101; Nt = 3000; Dx = 0.03; Dt = 0.9
KAPPA = 210.; SPH = 900.; RHO = 2700. # Conductivity , specf heat , density
T = zeros((Nx, 2), float); Tpl = zeros((Nx, 31), float)
print("Working , wait for figure after count to 10")
for ix in range(1, Nx - 1):
T[ix, 0] = 100.0; # Initial T
T[0, 0] = 0.0; T[0, 1] = 0. # 1st & last T = 0
T [Nx-1, 0] = 0.; T[Nx-1, 1] = 0.0
cons = KAPPA / (SPH*RHO)*Dt / (Dx*Dx); # constant
m = 1 # counter
for t in range(1, Nt):
for ix in range(1 , Nx-1):
T[ix, 1] = T[ix, 0] + cons * (T[ix+1, 0] + T[ix-1, 0] - 2.*T[ix, 0])
if t %300 == 0 or t == 1: # Every 300 steps
for ix in range(1, Nx-1, 2):
Tpl[ix, m] = T[ix, 1]
m = m + 1
for ix in range(1 , Nx-1) :
T[ix , 0] = T[ix , 1]
x = list(range(1, Nx-1, 2)) # Plot alternate pts
y = list(range(1, 30))
X, Y = p.meshgrid(x, y)
def functz (Tpl):
z = Tpl[X, Y]
return z
Z = functz (Tpl)
fig = p.figure() # Create figure
ax = Axes3D(fig)
ax . plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, color='r')
ax . set_xlabel('Position')
ax . set_ylabel('time')
ax . set_zlabel('Temperature')
p . show( )
print ('finished')
Assessment and Visualization
Improved Heat Flow: Crank–Nicolson Method
List of posts followed by this article
- Rubin H. Landau, ManuelJ. Páez, Cristian C. Bordeianu - Computational Physics, Problem Solving with Python, 3rd completely revised edition
- post2
- post3
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yumm |
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