PHY, Contents
PHY01 : Classical mechanics
Physical constant and unit and equation
Newtonian mechanics
Central forces
Calculus of variations
Lagrange dynamics
Hamiltonian dynamics
Chaotic systems
Rigid body
Nonlinear dynamics
PHY02 : Electromagnetism
Special techniques
Electric fields in matter
Magnetic fields in matter
Conservation laws
Electromagnetic waves
Potentials and fields
Electrodynamics and relativity
PHY03 : Thermodynamic and statistical mechanics
Kinetic theory of gases
Transport and thermal diffusion
The first law
The second law
Thermodynamics in action
Statistical mechanics
Beyond the ideal gas
Thermodynamics in action
Special topics
Heat flow via time stepping
PHY04 : Quantum theory
Blackbody radiation
The schrödinger equation
One-Dimensional potential
The harmonic oscillator
Anharmonic oscillator
Motion in the central force field
Second virial coefficient and its quantum corrections
Perturbation theory
Variational principle
WKB approximation
PHY05 : Solid state physics
Physics of solids without considering micro- scopic Structure
Structure of materials
Toy models of solids in one dimension
Geometry of solids
Neutron and X-Ray diffraction
Electrons in solids
Magnetism and mean field theories
PHY06 : Theory of relativity
The orbits in general relativity
Light bending in the gravitational field
Einstein’s field equations
The schwarzschild solution
The Reissner–Nordstrom solution for a charged Mass Point